Review:: ECOS Floor Cleaner

With all the gross (and often dangerous!) bacteria tracked in on our shoes, a floor cleaner has got to get down and dirty.  It has to effectively disinfect harmful bacteria, dissolve dirt and grease, remove stains, and leave a sparkling finish. The old-fashioned mop and bucket days may soon be behind us. Standing spray mops […]

Review:: Aunt Fannie’s Floor Cleaner

A lot of mess ends up on your floors! And it’s not just the stains you can see or the sticky spots you can feel under your socks. It’s also all the germs and dirt brought in on your shoes and slowly spread around the house by your feet as time goes on. Yuck! Here […]

Review:: Better Life Floor Cleaner

Winter brings a host of messes to sealed floors. White snow tracks turn a sour gray as they dry, salt leaves a crusty residue, and wet muddy shoes worn by little feet wander too many steps past the doormat. Where I live, we just got our first big snowstorm, so this cleaner came at the […]